Tutorials and Patterns

Free to download!
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The guide to leatherworking

Tips and Techniques
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Technical videos

Learn how to work with leather!
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More than fifty free tutorials and patterns to discover on our blog! Many ideas for leather creations: leather goods, small leather goods, decoration, jewellery... Step-by-step explanations, accessible to beginners.

And a complete guide to explain everything about leather work: the different leathers, the tools, the installation of accessories, the sewing, the repoussage, the dyes...

ViAnCa Collection
©Pompélop Leather Goods
échiquier travail du cuir
©Marie Hamonou
©Amandine B
©Amandine B
©Lilie 974
©Lilie 974
©Monique C
©Monique C
Figui leather
©Figui leather
©Atlelier Créa Cat's
©Sophie B
©Aurélie - Entredeuxcuirs
©Aurélie - Entredeuxcuirs
©Stephanie P
sac en cuir rouge création
©Cathy C

Idées à Faire is a magazine on creative hobbies that offers around 20 complete DIYs per issue. You will find our latest tutorials there!