
Collar buttons

12 products

Collar button to screw or rivet - Cartridge button

Screw collar buttons, also called cartridge belt buttons, are used in the leather goods industry for simple and effective closure of a bag, bracelet, leather strap, etc. We invite you to watch our video to learn how to install a screw or rivet collar button.

Choose your collar button cookie cutter based on the size of the collar button you are using. If you don't know which one to choose, take the 3.2mm diameter for the T3 collar buttons and the 3.8mm diameter for the T4 collar buttons.

Sold with 1 3x5 mm steel screw, 5 mm long, for leather with a maximum thickness of 1 to 3 mm . For leather with a thickness between 3 and 5 mm, use 7 mm long screws: 3x7 mm screws .

collar button

Sale price5,20 €
  • FINISHING: Brass Aged brass Nickel plated
  • CONDITIONING: Per 5 Per 50
Bouton de col T2 (5 mm) à visser - laitonBouton de col T2 (5 mm) à visser - Montage facile
Sale price2,40 €
  • FINISHING: Brass Aged brass Nickel plated
  • CONDITIONING: Per 5 Per 50
Sale price2,30 €
  • FINISHING: Brass Antique silver Aged silver Gun barrel Aged brass Nickel plated old copper old nickel
  • CONDITIONING: Per 5 Per 50
Sale price2,50 €
  • FINISHING: Brass Aged brass Nickel plated
  • CONDITIONING: Per 5 Per 50
Sale price3,20 €
  • FINISHING: Brass Aged brass Nickel plated
  • CONDITIONING: Per 5 Per 50
France 🔵⚪🔴
Bouton de col 10,4mm avec vis 2,9 x 5mm en laiton - S. Poursin - Made in FranceBouton de col boule 10,4mm avec vis en laiton -Maison Poursin - Fabriqué en France
Lot de 10 boutons de col pour cuir fin - Tandy Leather - CuivreBouton de col à vis pour cuir fin - Schéma dimensions
Sale price6,35 €
  • FINISHING: Copper Brass Light gold Aged brass Black Nickel plated old copper old nickel
Bouton de col - Boule 7mm avec vis 3x6mm - Tandy leather - CuivreBouton de col à vis pour fermeture facile et pratique - Schéma dimensions
Sale price8,63 €
  • FINISHING: Copper luxury gold Light gold Brass Nickel plated Black Aged brass old nickel
Bouton de col à vis tête 8mm - Tandy leather - Doré luxeBouton de col à visser - fermeture facile et esthétique pour article en cuir
Sale price1,55 €
  • FINISHING: Brass Light gold Aged brass Black Nickel plated old copper old nickel
  • CONDITIONING: Per 10 Individually
bouton col CUBE design 8mm nickelé 02x600.jpgbouton col CUBE design 8mm nickelé 01x600.jpg
Sale price0,29 €-69% Regular price0,95 €

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