Barry King Tools is a premium manufacturer of leatherworking tools. This manufacturer is THE reference for tools in the USA for people doing Sheridan style embossing.All Barry King Tools items are handcrafted, making them unique tools. They are made of high quality stainless steel to avoid any corrosion problems and make them unusable. The stamps are guaranteed for life.
Deco Cuir offers you this pack of tools which corresponds to the recommendation of Yves LESIRE (Master craftsman - Trainer) in order to get off to a good start with Western Floral type embossing. All tools are Barry King Tool brand.
All of these tools are presented in a solid wood storage rack to always have your stamps within reach.
List of BARRY KING TOOL items in this kit:
- Large and Short Stylus Liner
- Swivel opening knife - Swivel 1/2
- Blade for Opening Knife - Straight Fine 3/8
- Tapered mallet - Taper maul - 450 g
- Backgrounders Coarse Checkered Teardrop Stamp - Size 2
- Backgrounders Lifters Stamp - Size 0
- Backgrounders Lifters Stamp - Size 3
- Beveler Checkered Stamp - Size 0
- Beveler Checkered Stamp - Size 2
- Fluted Camouflage Stamp - Size 2
- Thumbprint Vertical Stamp - Size 1
- Thumbprint stamp: Horizontal - Size 1
- Veiners Lined Scalloped Stamp - Size 1
Items guaranteed for life
Brand: Barry King Tools
DECO CUIR, the leather work specialist
Since 2009, we have been supporting individuals and professionals.
1st French site for leather work
Physical store in Campbon (44)
Quality leather from tanneries / tannery or destocking of major leather goods brands