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Book "Pattern making for leather goods" - Elisa Cigna and Andrea Marcocci

SKU: DA096
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This book is a true bible for all modeling enthusiasts who wish to create their own models.

An essential link between the designer and the manufacturer, the model maker must know how to interpret the designer's drawing in order to develop a product that is faithful to the initial idea while taking into account multiple parameters. Modeling a bag involves being creative, having a perfect command of digital pattern making, but also knowing the manufacturing stages and technical constraints.

The technical sheet, the typology of bags, their anatomy, the manufacturing steps, the basics of modeling and the key principles are explained in the first two chapters. Digital modeling is then detailed for the most common types of bags: assemblies, flaps, handles, sides, bottoms and linings are covered step by step.

Intended for creative professionals, artisans and students, this book covers all the essential knowledge for modelers.

Number of pages: 191
Book dimensions: 21 x 28.5 cm
Weight: 900 g
Cover: paperback
Authors: Elisa Cigna and Andrea Marcocci
Eyrolles Editions
Release: 2024
ISBN: 978-2-416-01586-1

DECO CUIR, the leather work specialist

Since 2009, we have been supporting individuals and professionals.

  • 1st French site for leather work
  • Physical store in Campbon (44)
  • Quality leather from tanneries / tannery or destocking of major leather goods brands

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